Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Salmon?

Key Points
  • Yes, dogs can eat salmon. It is a great source of protein and omega3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for their skin, coat, and overall health.
  • Cooked salmon is the safest option. Raw salmon may contain parasites that can harm dogs. Avoid seasoning or adding oil when cooking salmon for your dog.
  • Moderation is key. Too much salmon can cause digestive upset or lead to an unhealthy weight gain. Consult your veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount for the size and breed of your pet.
  • Salmon bones are a hazard. Remove all bones before feeding salmon to your dog to prevent choking or internal injuries.

Next to shrimp, salmon is America’s favorite fish to eat. It’s one of the healthiest foods there are; fatty fish is loaded with nutrients that help fight diseases. There are several different species of salmon found in the Atlantic, where the majority of US supermarkets get their farmed and labeled salmon.

For humans, salmon is a tasty, aromatic fish that decreases the risks and symptoms associated with diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Salmon has a healthy amount of cholesterol and calories and is a great alternative for protein as opposed to beef or chicken. Eating salmon has also been linked to lower risks of depression, dementia, and hyperkinetic disorders.1

Being such a profound superfood for us humans, can dogs eat salmon, too? Exactly how safe can we feel giving salmon to our dogs, and how many of these dietary benefits will our dogs be able to enjoy with us?

Feeding Salmon to Your Dog

Salmon is an outstanding source of several vitamins and minerals that are already a part of your dog’s healthy diet. Salmon is found in many pet foods because of their nutritional value. Besides their rich company of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins D, A, and B, there are a few things you should look out for before throwing them some delicious salmon.2 While filled with healthy nutrients, salmon can still cause problems for the health and well-being of a dog if not properly cooked, cleaned, unseasoned, and prepared.

Protein is a superior nutrient in a dog’s diet, and salmon is a great source of it. Amino acids help with a dog’s fur and skin and are found primarily in the proteins they consume.2 Next to chicken, pork, and beef, fish is one of the best sources of a dog’s protein intake. Salmon is a common ingredient already found in many high-quality dog food brands due to its protein presence.


Dogs should never be fed raw salmon. All raw fish could contain harmful bacteria like salmonella or listeria. These pathogens can make your dog very ill. What’s more, if you or a family member comes in contact with a dog’s saliva contaminated with these germs, you could also fall victim to food poisoning. Salmon is also known to have parasites, which can be fatal when consumed.3 Always thoroughly prepare salmon by washing and cooking them at an approved temperature before offering it to your dog.


Omega-3s aren’t created naturally in a dog’s body, so they must be supplemented through fish, like salmon, shellfish, or tuna. Omega fatty acids found in salmon are a part of a dog’s cell walls and help promote the absorption of healthy nutrients. Omega-3s are considered one of the good types of fat that help support brain development and healthy heart functionality. Omega-3s can also ease arthritis and inflammation in elderly dogs.1


Fish bones from salmon can cause a choking and obstruction hazard for dogs.4 If the bones make it past their throat, the tiny, sharp bones could scrape the fragile tissues in the digestive tract or get stuck. The bones could puncture internal organs, which could be fatal and always merit an emergency veterinary visit. There are choices of boneless salmon on the market, but always err on the side of caution and check for bones anyway.

What Else Can Your Dog Eat?

Our furry friends are notorious for eating whatever they want, whenever they want. Unfortunately for them, they don’t know when they’re getting into something potentially dangerous, and sometimes neither do we. It helps to know which foods are toxic to our dogs so we can understand when they could be in trouble. Sometimes the treat we enjoy is just as beneficial to our dogs. Here are some healthy snack choices that you can securely and moderately incorporate into their diet.

Seafood Your Dog Can Eat

Dogs can safely consume seafood. If they eat shellfish like lobster or crab, their shells, legs, and tails should be removed to avoid the possibility of puncturing their internal organs. Dogs can also eat fin fish, like shrimp, and some tuna (in moderation) if their bones are removed for the same reason. Your dog might benefit from staying away from canned tuna if it comes in a package filled with salt water or contains any extra salt. Likewise, seafood given to dogs should not be seasoned at all.

Seafood can have bacteria and other toxic elements in it when they’re undercooked. Because of this, seafood should always be thoroughly cleaned and cooked before it’s offered to your dog.

Fruits Your Dog Can Eat

Several fruits are healthy favorites for dogs and provide a nutritional treat and supplement in their diet. For example, dogs love bananas. Bananas are a great source of potassium and vitamins. Dogs can have many kinds of melons, like watermelon, plus kiwis, oranges, apples (without the core, seeds, or stems), pineapples, and mangos. Fruits that are packed with antioxidants like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are very healthy for dogs when they’re offered in chunks and thoroughly cleaned.

Grapes, raisins, and sultanas are poisonous to your dog and shouldn’t be eaten at all. Cherries and other fruits with pits, like peaches, plums, and the like, are not considered safe either. The flesh of the fruits is safe to eat, but pits are hazards and poisonous. You should always take the pits out of fruits before giving them to them. Here is a full list of fruits your dog can eat.

Vegetables Your Dog Can Eat

Eating onions, leeks, and garlic could be lethal for your dog. Seasonings that contain these ingredients could be just as deadly, which is why it’s a good idea to avoid them. There are some other veggies that you can feed your dog during safe snack time. Dogs can have carrots, spinach, green beans, and pumpkin safely. Furthermore, they can eat kale, broccoli, and brussels sprouts, and they are all completely safe and actually very healthy for them. Sometimes too many veggies can cause gas, so pay attention to how much vegetables can dogs eat in one sitting.

Beans Your Dog Can Eat

Beans are packed with important nutrients for a dog’s diet. Dogs can have lima beans, black beans, garbanzo, pinto, kidney, soy, and butter beans, too. Feeding your dog too many beans could cause them to have gas. To avoid an upset stomach, only give them beans in moderation.

Nuts Your Dog Can Eat

Some nuts should be completely avoided, like macadamia nuts and walnuts. These are very poisonous to dogs. Fiber and potassium may be the only nutritional benefits of nuts, and there are many other safer ways for dogs to receive these nutrients. However, If they’re begging for a treat, they can eat pistachios and peanuts in moderation without posing a threat. Nuts should never be seasoned or shelled. Here is a full list of all the dry fruits your dog can eat

Expert Insights From Spot

As much as we love to share our favorite foods with our pets, it's important to remember that not all human foods are safe for dogs. Spot's internal data shows that pet insurance claims for dietary indiscretions average $642, highlighting the importance of being cautious and doing your research before sharing snacks with your pet.


We always need to be knowledgeable about the table food we give to our pets. Sometimes, fish can be toxic and dangerous for a dog. Next time you decide to cook a delicious salmon dinner, however, you can make an extra one without seasoning to feed your furry companion. Without salts or other seasonings that could be toxic, salmon will be a great side for your dog’s dinner as long as it is boneless and thoroughly cooked.


*Jan 2019 to April 2024 administrator claims data.

1. Patel, Hiral. “Salmon Fish: The Nutrient Powerhouse with Several Benefits.” HealthifyMe - Blog, 14 Jan. 2022,

2. Asghar, Mustafa. “Can Dogs Eat Salmon?” Nextrition Pet, Nextrition Pet, 9 Jan. 2024, Accessed 20 Aug. 2024.

‌3. Sep 01, Jan Reisen Published:, et al. “Can Dogs Eat Salmon?” American Kennel Club, 1 September 2022,

4. Saylor, April. “Can Dogs Eat Salmon?”, PetMD, 2 Mar. 2023,

‌The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.‌

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