Most of us enjoy the sweet and tangy tropical fruit known as pineapple. For us, it’s a nutritious and delicious snack, but is it the same for our dogs?
Your dog might see you munching on pineapple and look up at you with wide, pleading eyes, but before you give in and allow your pup to try some of this delicious treat, you need to do your research. We’re here to help.
At Spot Pet Insurance, our biggest concern is helping you become the best pet parent you can be. Part of being a good pet parent is learning about your pet, how to care for them, and how to protect them.
Caring for your pet includes making sure they have a well-balanced diet. Although there are some great brands of dog food that will help your pet stay healthy and happy, you might be thinking of making food for your dog to enjoy. Or maybe you’re looking for some new treats for your pup to enjoy.
Pineapple can be a great treat substitute in moderation since it has a lot of nutritional value for your pup, and it tastes pretty good. However, there are many things you should think about before you give your dog pineapple, so let’s take a look at this delicious fruit together.
Is pineapple good for your dog?
The first thing you should think about before giving your dog pineapple is whether or not your dog would benefit from it. Sometimes, dogs can eat certain foods since they aren’t toxic to dogs, but that doesn’t mean they should eat them.
Pineapple can have health benefits for your pup — but only in small amounts. Even though it has plenty of nutritional value, pineapple falls into the special treat category. Treats should only make up about 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake, so you don’t want to give your pup too much pineapple.
What health benefits does pineapple have for dogs?
As part of a healthy diet, dogs need proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Although dogs can get some of these nutrients from meats (which make up a primary part of their diet), grains, vegetables, and fruits are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Pineapples are no exception. They contain nutrients like:
B vitamins
Vitamin C
Pineapples also contain a lot of fiber, which aids in digestion, and antioxidants, which help damaged cells heal. These fruits are 82% water, so they can help with hydration, although pineapples can’t replace actual water.
These vitamins and minerals will help your dog by strengthening their immune system or helping to reduce inflammation. Some can even aid your pup in keeping their coat, skin, and bones healthy.
So, if pineapple has so many health benefits for pups, why do we need to limit how much they eat? It turns out there are a couple of good reasons.
Why should you limit your dog’s pineapple intake?
The main reason pineapple is classified as a treat for pups is that it includes a high amount of sugar. Although sugar isn’t really a problem for us, dogs have a much harder time digesting sugar than we do.
Since they have more difficulty processing high quantities of sugar, their blood sugar levels can rise with a lot of sugar, which may cause other health issues.
The other reason dogs shouldn’t have a lot of pineapple is the high amount of fiber. Although fiber is very helpful for your dog’s digestion, too much fiber can also cause digestive issues.
If your dog has too much fiber in their diet, you may notice diarrhea, vomiting, and gas. If too much fiber is a consistent part of your dog’s diet, it can lead to issues with their coats and potentially weight loss.
Usually, too much fiber wouldn’t really be a problem unless pineapple was also supplemented by other high fiber foods or you gave your dog an all pineapple diet (which wouldn’t be recommended).
However, some dogs are more sensitive than others, so if you notice any symptoms like gas or diarrhea, it might be a good idea to stop giving your dog pineapple.
What parts of the pineapple can your dog eat?
Pineapple is an excellent food for your dog to eat, but some parts of the pineapple are inedible for both dogs and humans. If you want to give your dog pineapple, you can’t set a whole pineapple on the floor for your pup to chew on. It may not be poisonous, but some parts present a choking hazard.
When we prepare pineapple for ourselves, we remove three things before eating it: the rough rind, the spiky crown, and the hard core. These parts are too tough to chew, and they don’t make for the most appetizing meal.
Dogs can’t eat these parts of the pineapple either. Not only would they be difficult to digest, but they’re pretty easy to choke on, even if cut up into small pieces. If you’re going to feed your pup pineapple, you should only give them the flesh of the pineapple.
Basically, if it’s a part of the pineapple you would eat, it’s okay for your pup to eat.
How should I prepare pineapple for my dog to eat?
After cutting off the stuff your dog can’t eat, you need to figure out how to serve the pineapple to your dog. After all, giving your dog the pineapple flesh without preparing it in some way may also lead to choking.
You can do a few different things to introduce your dog to pineapple. The easiest is to cut it up into bite-sized pieces for your dog to enjoy. You could also try giving them a little pineapple juice, as long as there isn’t any added sugar.
Frozen pineapple is also a fun treat for your pup on a hot day. These are just some suggestions for when you first start, but there are many other pineapple treats you can give your pup.
Some dogs may not want to try pineapple on its own, so you can mix it in with your pup’s meals. For example, chicken with a few pineapple pieces could make a delicious dinner for your furry friend.
Are there any fun pineapple treats I can make for my dog?
If you’re thinking about giving your dog a wide variety of treats, you’re probably wondering if there are any other ways you can give your pup pineapple.
Fortunately, there are plenty of pineapple-themed treats that you can have your pup try. Just keep an eye on the other ingredients of these dishes and make sure that anything you add is good for dogs and doesn’t have any toxic components, like grapes or onions.
If you’re thinking about making your dog a cool pineapple treat for a hot day, a popsicle made with plain, natural yogurt and pureed pineapple is an excellent choice. You could also use pineapple puree to make pineapple-flavored ice cubes or mix yogurt, sweet potato puree, and pineapple puree and put it in the freezer to make doggy ice cream.
Smoothies or fruit salad can also make a great treat, as long as you use fruits and veggies that are safe for your dog to eat. If you do make fruit salad, remember to make a small portion for your pup.
Are there any kinds of pineapple my dog can’t have?
Humans have developed many different ways to serve and preserve pineapple. The most popular type of pineapple is fresh, and a great way to preserve pineapple is by freezing it. Both of these types of pineapple work for dogs, but what about other types of pineapple?
Canned pineapple
Another great way to preserve all kinds of fruits and vegetables is canning, and pineapples are no exception. Is it okay for dogs to eat that?
Canned pineapple usually has a lot of added sugar, primarily because of the syrup that it sits in. Although it won’t harm your dog if they accidentally eat some canned pineapple (unless your pup has diabetes mellitus), you shouldn’t give it to them as a treat. Canned pineapple has too much sugar for it to be healthy for your dog.
Pineapple upside-down cake
If you’re a fan of baked desserts, you may have tried pineapple upside-down cake. Even though it’s a delicious treat for humans, it isn’t really a great option for our dogs.
Pineapple on pizza
With the raging pineapple on pizza debate that’s going on, you might have thought of pizza with pineapple when you first saw this article. If you’re on the pineapple with pizza side of the argument, you might be thinking about sharing some with your pup to win over another vote.
Unfortunately, even though pineapple is great for dogs, pizza can cause some issues. Many dogs have problems digesting dairy, and the sauce can sometimes contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs, like garlic powder. It’s best to avoid it.
How much pineapple can I give to my pup?
Pineapple has plenty of health benefits, but too much of it can be unhealthy for your dog since pineapples are 10% sugar. That leaves the question, “How much pineapple can I give my dog?”
We mentioned earlier that treats are only supposed to be 10% of your dog’s diet. Pineapple is considered a treat because, like most treats, it has a high sugar content. But how are we supposed to calculate 10% of your dog’s diet?
The best way to determine how many treats should be part of your dog’s diet is by looking at the number of calories your pup should be eating per day. All you need to do is figure out how many calories your dog should eat per day and calculate 10%.
Normally, you would replace 10% of dog food calories with treats, but not all dogs have the same nutritional needs. That’s why it’s a good idea to discuss your pup’s diet with a licensed vet. They can help you figure out if your dog will need more or fewer calories in their diet or if they require more nutrients than some treats can provide.
Pineapple can be a fun and delicious treat
Pineapple can be a wonderful alternative for doggy biscuits and other treats if you’re looking to cook dog food instead of buying it. There are plenty of different ways to serve it. It can also make a great incentive during training.
Pineapples and other snacks, like blueberries, are healthy and yummy. Another benefit is that they’re easy to take with you places if you need a treat for your pup while you’re out and about, and they can double as snacks for you too.
Pineapples are a great, all-natural alternative that can be used as treats or as a part of your pup’s meal. You can even make a bunch of different treats ranging from fruit salad to dog-friendly ice cream.
Keeping your pup happy and healthy
Dogs need a well-balanced diet, just like us. Dogs, however, have their own dietary needs, especially since there are many things that we eat that are toxic for dogs. They can also have difficulty digesting some of the things that we can eat.
If you’re looking at making food at home for your pup, it’s important to do your research and make sure the food you give your dog is healthy, dog-friendly, and has the necessary nutrients. Even if you just want to have your dog try new things, you should do your research first.
It’s important to be careful when your dog tries anything for the first time, whether it’s pineapple or another fruit or vegetable. You need to keep an eye on them after the first few times they try it to make sure there aren’t any allergic reactions or digestive problems.
It’s better to introduce one thing at a time, so you can be sure of what is causing the digestive problems. If you know the cause, you know what your dog can’t eat. Every dog is different, so if you are a pet parent to multiple dogs, you may find that one of them can’t eat something the others can.
We know that being a pet parent can be stressful and overwhelming at times, which is why we wanted to help you learn ways to keep your life and your pet’s, running smoothly. Whether you have a rat terrier or a golden retriever, we care about your pet’s well-being.
Whether it’s learning about whether your pup can eat pineapple or different dog breeds, we’ve got you covered. At Spot Pet Insurance, our first priority is your pet.
Other Fruits That Are Safe To Eat for Your Dog
If your dog tends to turn up its nose at a treat that’s been offered many times before, or if you simply want to add variety to their diet, you can try these fruits as well:
Remember that grapes and raisins are never fruits you should feed your dog. These have particular enzymes in them that are toxic to dogs—avoid grapes and raisins around your dog like you avoid chocolate! We have compiled a big list of all the fruits your dogs should eat here.
Dogs can eat sweet potatoes and many other vegetables instead.

Dr. Goldberg (DVM) has owned and operated 12 animal hospitals throughout his career and served as Senior Director of Innovation, designing medical products to be utilized in animal hospitals. Today, he provides dental services to 75 pet stores and salons.
Burke, Anna. “Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?” American Kennel Club, American Kennel Club, 26 July 2022,
“Can Dogs Eat Pineapple? Read before You Feed.” Purina, Purina,
Burke, Anna. “How Many Treats to Give a Dog a Day.” American Kennel Club, American Kennel Club, 7 Feb. 2023,