Can Your Dog Safely Eat Pomegranate?
You love your pup, and you love sharing treats with them to keep them energized and excited about life. Nothing is more fun than seeing your pet’s eyes light up when you’ve got something delicious in your hand or when you place a bowl of something tasty in front of them.
For the most part, veterinarians and pet experts say that pets shouldn’t have human food. However, much of what dogs eat in the wild is similar to what people themselves eat—mostly meat and some fruits, vegetables, and grains. So, with certain considerations, it stands to reason that pets can safely eat some of what humans do. But what are those foods, and what needs a second thought?
One of the foods you may have wondered about is pomegranate. Is this nutrient-rich and delicious fruit something that will add to your pet’s health and happiness, or is it one to avoid so that your pet doesn’t get sick?
Can Dogs Have Pomegranate?
Unfortunately, pomegranate is not one of the safest foods for dogs. Although it isn’t technically toxic, it easily causes digestive upset and tummy troubles in canines. Furthermore, the skin itself is ripe with enzymes that don’t mix well with a dog’s system.
Pomegranate isn’t inherently bad, and sometimes, small pieces of skinned fruit or a few seeds at a time can even be a good treat. There are plenty of considerations to think about before giving pomegranate to your pooch, though, as well as signs and symptoms to look out for if your pet consumed too much.
What Makes Pomegranate Dangerous for Your Dog?
Okay, so pomegranate isn’t the best fruit treat to give to Fido. But why?
Seeds and Skin – Pomegranate seeds and skin can pose a choking hazard for your furry friend. Pomegranates have an abundance of smooth seeds all in one clump inside the fruit. This could cause choking when mixed with the soft fruit. The skin could create a blockage in your dog’s intestines, too.
Too Much Fiber – Fiber is an important part of both your and your dog’s diet. However, they don’t need quite as much as you do. Too much fiber for your dog could cause diarrhea or stomach pain.
Too Many Tannins – Tannins are something that you might associate with wine, which makes sense because of the type of fruit pomegranate is. This compound might make your after-dinner drink taste delicious, but it can cause digestive upset—or even vomiting—in dogs. Not all dogs react this way when consuming tannins, but it wouldn’t be fun to find out.
What If You’ve Given Your Dog Pomegranate Already?
Of course, sometimes things happen, or we don’t search out information until after an event has occurred. In this case, you’re probably okay, as long as the amount of pomegranate your dog had was small. If your dog accidentally took a small bite of your pomegranate, or if you gave them a piece as a treat and are now reading this, watch for signs of irritation or distress.
If you see that your dog is acting sick or having diarrhea, you can take them to the vet to get the all-clear or ask for further instructions on what to do. The vet could also give you any information or signs to look for through a phone call or video chat. So, if you don’t want to take your uncomfortable doggy on a car ride (which might make things worse), try a quick call to ease your mind and get further instructions.
Otherwise, the stomach upset shouldn’t last long, and if your dog does vomit, that should help things get out of their system more quickly. Make sure to provide them with plenty of fresh water to help move things along in their system.
What About Commercial Pomegranate Dog Treats?
You may be reading this and feeling confused. Haven’t you seen commercially produced dog treats or supplements on the shelves that contain pomegranate? Yes, some of these out there contain pomegranate for flavoring or natural coloring. Though, these contain minimal quantities and should only be given in moderation. Additionally, the peel has been removed in any of these supplements, and the peel is the part of this particular fruit that causes the most digestive distress.
Some studies show that dogs can benefit from supplements enhanced with pomegranate peel extract (PPE). Wait, what? Isn’t that part of the fruit that is harmful? We know it’s confusing. That’s why we’re giving you the information here. The particular PPE compound, when consumed in supplement form, actually improves a dog’s digestive and gut health. It has to do with how the extract is processed, which makes it easy to digest and beneficial.
Of course, even if you buy supplements from a pet-approved brand at a pet-specific retailer, check with your veterinarian before adding anything to your dog’s diet. They can cross-reference their most recent information and ensure that what you want to offer is safe for your dog’s particular breed, size, and individual lifestyle.
Isn’t Pomegranate a Superfood?
Yes, pomegranate is one of the foods most rich in antioxidants and other nutrients such as vitamins C and K, potassium, and folic acid. Remember, though, that a dog’s digestive system is very different from a human’s. They can eat plenty of things that would give our stomachs a quick turn, and vice versa.
If you are set on the fact that pomegranates are beneficial for your dog, and your vet gives you the go-ahead, you can feel more comfortable giving your pet the benefits of pomegranate in a supplement, a juice, or in small, skinned bites now and then.
What Fruits Can Dogs Safely Have?
All fruit isn’t bad for dogs! In fact, some fruits have excellent nutritional properties that are good for dogs. If you want to give your pup a sweet treat, try one of these canine-safe choices:
Remember that dogs should never have grapes and raisins. Some other fruits, such as grapefruit, also have enzymes that could be toxic to dogs. Check with your veterinarian before trying any new food, and always watch for signs of pain, irritability, or digestive upset. It’s always best to try new food in small portions, too, so that if there is an adverse reaction, it’s small and will hopefully pass quickly. Dogs can be allergic to particular foods just like people, so that’s something to think about as well. We have compiled a big list of all the fruits your dogs should eat here.
Dogs can eat sweet potatoes and many other vegetables instead.
It’s great for pets to have variety in their diet. It helps them stay interested in their food and provides various vitamins and minerals that keep all their systems working well and thriving. Plus, it’s fun for them to have treats now and then, as behavioral rewards or as an enjoyable activity after an adventure together. Keep a list of the best foods to give your dog handy so that the next time you’re at the grocery store, you can make sure to add some of these to your basket. Just be sure to keep them out of your pup’s reach until you’re ready to give them safely!
A canine’s digestive system doesn’t break down pomegranate fruit as well as a person’s system, which makes them a bit riskier to consume. Think about how your body reacts when you eat something that doesn’t sit well with your particular body. How uncomfortable are you? You wouldn’t want to put your pooch in the same painful situation. Therefore, if you’re thinking about offering them pomegranate, do so with caution and always consult your vet.

I've had the privilege of immersing myself in the realm of pet safety. As the owner of an energetic mini golden doodle, I know just how stressful being a pet owner can be. I am dedicated to ensuring our beloved pets enjoy a life brimming with good health.