BlogBowl for Dogs & Cats
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A Complete Guide to Dog Insurance in Canada: Benefits, Costs, and How to Choose the Right Plan
Dogs are naturally curious and full of energy, always eager to explore their surroundings. While this playful behavior often brings joy and laughter, it can sometimes lead to accidents or unexpected health issues. Whether it's chewing on something they...
Dog Insurance Insights

Why Pet Insurance is Essential for Canadian Pet Parents
Why is Pet Insurance Essential if you own a pet in Canada? Pet parenting is a journey filled with love, companionship, and unforgettable moments. But along with the joy comes responsibility—ensuring that your furry friend receives the best care...
How Pet Insurance Works

Is Your Dog’s Behavior Unpredictable? This Might Be Why! (Written by a once-struggling dog owner turned dog trainer)
Was your dog playful with other dogs but suddenly found themselves getting into scuffles? Or perhaps they started lunging at other dogs while on a walk? Maybe they were always friendly with strangers but now growl when someone tries to approach? Why...
Dog Tips

The Most Unforgettable Pet Names of 2025
In the ever-evolving world of pet parenthood, one thing remains constant: our deep affection for our furry companions. And what better way to express that love than with a truly unique and memorable name? Forget "Fluffy" and "Max"; in 2025, pet parents...

What to Pack for Warmer Weather Adventures With Your Dog
Summer will be here before we know it, and starting an activity pack for trips with your dog will give you a head start on your next adventure together! Having the following items handy will keep your dog safe, happy, and comfortable, while giving you...

How Much Does Euthanasia for Dogs Cost?
If there is a list of the hardest decisions a pet owner has to make, saying goodbye to their beloved pet is undoubtedly going to be on the top of it. While the emotional toll is already overwhelming, the financial bits can make it more difficult. A...
Vet Costs

Does Pet Insurance Cover Umbilical Hernias?
Wait, pets can have Hernias too? Yes, dogs and cats can have hernias too. While they are uncommon in cats, they are fairly common in dogs. They can be umbilical, inguinal, diaphragmatic, hiatal, or peritoneopericardial. They can be very painful....

Does Pet Insurance Cover Ear Infections
It’s not surprising that the long and sometimes droopy ears of dogs are prone to infections because of all the dirt and bacteria they can collect. They aren’t very rare in cats either. However, it may be surprising to know that some of these infections...

Does Pet Insurance Cover Heartworm Treatment?
The foot-long worms that live in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of affected pets can cause severe and potentially fatal diseases in pets. They can affect both dogs and cats, and the treatment can sometimes take several months....
Top Articles

Dog Insurance Insights
A Complete Guide to Dog Insurance in Canada: Benefits, Costs, and How to Choose the Right Plan

How Pet Insurance Works
Why Pet Insurance is Essential for Canadian Pet Parents

Dog Tips
Is Your Dog’s Behavior Unpredictable? This Might Be Why! (Written by a once-struggling dog owner turned dog trainer)

The Most Unforgettable Pet Names of 2025

What to Pack for Warmer Weather Adventures With Your Dog

Vet Costs