Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Macadamia Nuts? What are the Pros and Cons?

Key Points
  • No, macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs.
  • Macadamia nuts can cause weakness
  • The exact toxin causing these effects is unknown.
  • No specific dog breeds are immune to macadamia nut toxicity.

Originating from Australia, one of the most nutrient rich nuts are Macadamia nuts which are low in sugar and carbs. Basically, a super food for humans which help in loosing weight among several other benefits. Now usually we think that if it helps us humans, it can help our canine pets as well. But a lot of times it is not the case and do literally the opposite for them. And Macadamia Nuts are a perfect example for it. So the question, can we feed Macadamia nuts to our dogs? The answer is a big NO.

Do dogs like Macadamia Nuts?

Macadamia nuts are going to probably be a treat for their tongue given their general liking for nuts and all things fatty.

Are Macadamia Nuts good for dogs?

Nuts in general are not bad for your dogs and can be quite healthy as well for their overall development. But Macadamia nuts in specific are very bad for them and can actually even be fatal in some cases and in others causing severe damage and long lasting allergies.

Health benefits of Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are one of the best nuts when it comes to nutritional benefits. Their low in sugar and carbohydrate quality is a cherry on the top. One serving of macadamia nuts also contains dietary fiber, protein, manganese, thiamin, and a good amount of copper. But all of this is for the human body. None of this matters when it comes to dogs as they are highly toxic to them and they won’t be able to extract any of the nutrient in them.

How much Macadamia Nuts is good Macadamia Nuts for your Dog?

None. Zero. Absolutely none at all. Macadamia nuts are listed as among the top human foods to avoid giving your dog. On the number scale, dogs have been seen showing signs of discomfort after ingesting as low as 2.4 grams of these nuts per kilogram of their body weight. So despite the nutrient rich properties, there is no quantity which can be safe for them to extract the nutrients and stay safe.

What can happen if your dog eats any amount of Macadamia Nuts?

Vets usually do not recommend any type of nuts for your dogs. Macadamia Nuts have a unusually high fat content which can lead to obesity and other severe gastric problems. Apart from that the exact reason for them to be toxic for dogs have not been identified yet. These nuts show no symptom of toxins in a cat’s body. But for some reason, for dogs there are a lot of problems that are known to occur, which include –

In some cases, a very high fever and inability have also been reported.

Which dogs should not eat Macadamia Nuts?

There are no breeds found yet who are immune to the symptoms after eating Macadamia nuts. And smaller dogs like Yorkies, Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Pugs, Basenjis, Beagles, Miniature Australian Shepherds, Affenpinschers, Dachshund, etc. are more susceptible to these symptoms because of their lower body mass.

What to do if your dog ends up eating Macadamia nuts?

If you see any of the symptoms or any kind of uneasiness in the dog, immediately call or go to your vet. Your dog will need proper care at a vet hospital if he/she starts shaking constantly, has a high fever or is unable to walk.

Your vet may recommend close observation at home and additionally, activated charcoal and/or a cathartic to help the nuts speed through your dog’s digestive system.

How long does it take for Macadamia nuts to affect dogs?

General observation is that within 12 hours of eating these nuts, the dog will start showing symptoms such as weakness, depression, hyperthermia or even tremors

How long does it take for a dog to recover after eating Macadamia nuts?

After eating the symptoms will take about 12 hours to start showing. And once you’ve contacted your vet and the treatment is started, it may take up to 48 hours for the dog to recover from all the effects of nut poisoning.

Which other nuts are toxic for dogs?

  • Black Walnuts – Can cause vomiting and neurologic symptoms. English walnuts are the safer option here. Make sure they are fresh and of a high quality.

  • Old and moldy walnuts – Can cause tremors and seizures because of the toxins in fungi or other bacteria developed

  • Raw Cashew nuts – Raw nuts contain compounds that make them harder to digest than roasted/cooked nuts which can increase the likelihood of stomach upset

  • Pistachios – Pistachios are high in fats, which can cause problems in the pancreatitis and stomach. Due to their size and their shell, they are a choking hazard, hard to digest, and can cause intestinal blockages

  • Hickory nuts – Again due to their large size and shells, should be avoided to avoid choking

  • Pecans – Not toxic in general but they have a tendency to mold. These molds can cause seizures and nerve damage

  • Almonds – Again not toxic in general but because of the tendency of pets to not chew their food properly, it can often lead to choking and other hazards. If given in the form of a puree or mixed in something after crushing, they are perfectly fine and safe for dogs

  • Brazil Nuts – These can be toxic for most of the dogs because of their high fat content and hard to digest property. Should be kept away from dogs who are prone to obesity or with hyperlipidemia (high amount of fat in the blood) or pancreatitis.

Here we have created a list of all the dry fruits your dog can eat. Hope it will be helpful!


It is an irony that something so rich in nutrients can be so toxic. But that is a fact, indeed. So you make sure you eat a good amount of these every day but at the same time make sure that your dog doesn’t eat it at all. Go for safer options like almonds, peanuts or English walnuts if you want to feed nuts to your dog.

Happy Mood and Health to your Doggo and lots of Love and Licks to you!


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