Creative manager by day, pet enthusiast all the time! After 19 years with my dog (hopefully he wins the award for oldest pet in the world), I enjoy spending my days brainstorming tail-wagging content, and sniffing out the latest trends in the pet world.

3 Things To Do If Your Dog Is Scared Of Fireworks
Why are dogs scared of fireworks? And how to calm dog firework anxiety Firework season is upon us again and, for many pet parents, it’s a time of the year they dread because of their pets’ fear of fireworks. Rest assured that Spot Pet Insurance is here...
Dog Tips

How to Foster a Pet
The Basics Of Fostering A Dog Or Cat Think you’re ready to foster a pet? Congratulations! In this article, we’ll share what you can expect, how to prepare your home, and how to get in touch with a pet rescue league or shelter. What does a pet foster...

Is My Cat Sick? 5 Signs You Should Know
Although it may seem strange to think of your cat as a predator rather than a cute kitty, they were once predators in nature. As predators, any sign of weakness would put them at an increased risk of other animals after attacking them. This leads us to...
Cat Tips

What’s In A Pet Emergency Kit?
How To Create A Pet Emergency Kit Emergency response teams recommend keeping pet information and a pet emergency kit at-the-ready in case of the unexpected. Be it natural disasters, pandemics, or other life surprises, make sure your pet is ready to...
Pet Safety