Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Dates? Everything You Want to Know About Dog Eating Dates

Key Points
  • Dates are safe for dogs in moderation, but the pits should always be removed to prevent choking hazards.
  • Dates are rich in sugar, so they should only be given as an occasional treat to dogs.
  • Owners should avoid feeding dogs too many dates as they can contribute to weight gain.

We know there are some ways to manage your pet’s diet. Picture this. You’re in your kitchen, and you open a snack. Before you’ve even started to indulge, your dog is already at your feet, looking up at you with a longing stare. Notoriously obsessed with any human snack, our canine companions are hard to say no to! Those big puppy dog eyes can make resisting giving your dog a scrap or a nibble here or there nearly impossible. As a responsible dog owner, you know that it is essential to stay aware of what foods are safe – and which ones your dog should never

Your dog’s diet is an integral part of their health and happiness. Strong and balanced nutrition can protect your dog from illness, improve life longevity, and make them strong and active. Using a recommended and tested dog food brand is the first step to maintaining a healthy diet. Treats should only make up about 10 percent of your dog’s diet. Great for training, positive reinforcements, or just to show some love, treats can be really beneficial! But moderation is crucial when sharing human food or an indulgent dog treat. Remember that whatever goodies you’re giving your dog – even if it is deemed safe – shouldn’t be a central part of their diet.

Let’s talk about dates. Can your dog eat them? Will they make them sick? Are they a good treat to keep around for your pup? Here’s everything you need to know.

Are dates safe?

It can be overwhelming to keep track of which human foods are okay to share with your furry family members. Things like chocolate and grapes can cause severe sickness, but foods like pumpkin may need to be given in moderation! This is why when it comes to giving your dog human food – even just a bite – it is wise to do some research beforehand. Staying in the know about human foods that can hurt or help will make sharing scraps stress-free.

When it comes to dates, you might be ambivalent because they seem very similar to raisins. Raisins should never be given to dogs and can cause serious health complications. Don’t let their dried appearances fool you, though. Raisins are made from grapes, while dates come from the fruit of date palm trees.

The short answer to whether dogs can eat dates is yes. But, like many treats or safe human snacks, just because you can give it to your dog doesn’t mean you can go overboard. If your dog eats too many dates, it can really upset their sleep, stomach and cause diarrhea or vomiting.

Never give your dog too much and avoid dates with pits in them. The pit in the middle can be a serious choking hazard and, if ingested, can cause a blockage in their digestive system.

Always monitor your dog’s reaction to any new snack. Just like humans, dogs have allergies. Give them a small amount a few times and pay attention to how their stomach handles them. If your pup gets sick, it might be a sign that dates are causing tummy problems.

Due to their high sugar content, they can make a great sweet treat! But, since they contain so much sugar, they should be given infrequently and not in high volumes. If you have a dog who suffers from diabetes or obesity, dates might not be a good choice for a treat.

Nutritional value of dates

Dates pack a mean punch when it comes to nutrients. Let’s look at what dates contain and the health benefits of different vitamins and minerals in the dried fruit.


Ensuring your dog gets enough fiber in its diet is essential for digestion and maintaining a healthy weight. Just like for humans, fiber can combat diarrhea and boost colon health. Dog’s intestines break down fiber into fatty acids, which fight harmful bacteria and help the colon recover from sickness. Fiber can help with weight management as it is filling but low-calorie. Slowing down digestion, fiber can help blood sugar stabilize. But since dates are high in sugar just as much as fiber, they might cause more harm than good when it comes to pups with blood sugar issues.

Vitamin B and Vitamin A

These two vitamins found in dates are highly beneficial to a dog’s diet. Vitamin B helps the body transform carbs into glucose, giving your dog energy. Helping with metabolism, vitamin B is crucial. Vitamin A is known to help with vision and bolster skin health and strengthens the immune system. Both of these vitamins found in dates are great for your dog and should be a key component of their diet. Even though dates are not the way to make these vitamins prominent in their nutrition – and their food is the best way to ensure they’re getting enough of them – it is good to know that dates will be giving your dog a little extra of these crucial nutrients!

Potassium and Magnesium

These two minerals are a large part of a healthy, balanced diet. Potassium helps with muscle performance, fluid regulation within the body and contributes to the nervous system. Too little potassium can lead to lethargy, loss of appetite, and severe diarrhea or vomiting. Potassium is crucial as it monitors muscle and heart contractions and bone growth, so making sure it is in your dog’s food – and treats! – is essential to their wellbeing. Magnesium is also a mineral that bolsters bone health, heart health and strengthens the immune system. Additionally, it regulates blood glucose levels. Too little magnesium in a dog’s diet can lead to serious health issues and side effects.

Fiber, vitamins A & B, and potassium and magnesium are not naturally produced within your dog’s body. Therefore, they need to get in from their food. These nutrients are a part of what your dog should eat for optimal nutrition, weight, energy levels, and immune system health. It is important to remember that just because dates contain these beneficial ingredients, the majority of their intake of them should be from their daily food. But a few dates here and there won’t hurt!

What to remember when giving your dog dates

  • Always pit the dates beforehand

  • Monitor their reaction

  • Consult your vet if your dog has diabetes or blood sugar-related health problems, as dates might be too sugary

  • Only give them in moderation

As with anything you feed your dog, use your discretion. Remember that treats should only make up 10 percent of your dog’s diet! But ultimately, dates are an excellent & sweet nutritional bite to give your dog as a treat.

Other Fruits That Are Safe To Eat for Your Dog

If your dog tends to turn up its nose at a treat that’s been offered many times before, or if you simply want to add variety to their diet, you can try these fruits as well:

Remember that grapes and raisins are never fruits you should feed your dog. These have particular enzymes in them that are toxic to dogs—avoid grapes and raisins around your dog like you avoid chocolate! We have compiled a big list of all the fruits your dogs should eat here.

Dogs can eat sweet potatoes and many other vegetables instead.


  • Can Dogs Eat Dates? | Modern Dog Magazine

  • Benefits of High-Fiber Dog Foods | AKC

  • Nutrition and Feeding For Your Dog | AKC

  • Can Dogs Eat Dates? How To Feed Dates to Dogs | Masterclass

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