Dog Breeds
Dog Breeds

Dog Breeds

If you’re looking for a new dog best friend, search Spot’s dog breed profiles to learn more about a breed before you bring a new pet home. Find out how to care for a new dog breed, understand their personality, energy levels, cost of care, and most important, vet care costs.


The schnauzer we’ll be discussing the most is the standard schnauzer. They’re considered the oldest schnauzer breed, while the other two developed later as time went on. They’re in the middle, both size and temperament-wise. The smallest schnauzer...

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Sloughi’s are primitive hunting dogs that bond extremely closely with their owners or families from an early age. It is unlikely that they will be extremely shy or aggressive. A well-bred and well-socialized Sloughi’s is a loving, attentive, and stable...

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Kunming Wolfdog

Kunming Dog, Chinese Kunming Dog, Kunming Wolfdog, or Chinese Kunming Wolfdog is a wolf-dog breed that originated in Kunming, China in the 1950s from Alsatians and local dogs. As a breed, it was recognized in 2007 as being a distinct lineage. There is...

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Belgian Malinois

Often mistaken for a German Shepherd dog, the Belgian Malinois is an active, affectionate dog that takes pride in doing a good job and pleasing their owner. If you are looking for a loyal, hardworking, and energetic pup to bring into your family, the...

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Red heeler

The red heeler, or Australian cattle dog, has a high energy level. They were bred to herd cattle for thousands of miles, so they need a lot of exercise. There are really only two different types. The red heeler and blue heeler only have different...

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Peruvian Inca Orchid

The Peruvian Inca Orchid is a sighthound with a slim, muscular physique and a hairless body. Peruvian Inca Orchid comes in three different sizes: small, medium and large.

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Terriers come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. These little dogs love being around their family, although some can be more clingy than others. They love playing and prefer to lead an active life. They also need plenty of attention.

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Shih Tzu

Wonderful lapdogs, the shih tzu has a winning personality, and it can be hard to say no to these adorable pups. Shih tzus are sweet and bubbly, with moderate energy levels, especially if they grow up with children. They are very gentle but stubborn if...

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Airedale Terrier

Airedales are indeed the largest of the terrier breeds, dubbed the King of Terriers. Dogs of this breed originated in the Aire Valley of Yorkshire to catch otters and rats between the Aire and Wharfe rivers.

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