Dog Breeds
Dog Breeds

Dog Breeds

If you’re looking for a new dog best friend, search Spot’s dog breed profiles to learn more about a breed before you bring a new pet home. Find out how to care for a new dog breed, understand their personality, energy levels, cost of care, and most important, vet care costs.

West Highland White Terriers

West Highland White Terriers are a breed of dog from Scotland with a distinctive white harsh coat and a somewhat soft undercoat. Despite having longer legs than other Scottish terrier breeds, it is a medium-sized terrier.

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Hokkaido Inu

Ainu-ken, Seta, Ainu dog, Hokkai dog or the Hokkaido Inu is a breed from Japan, which gets its name from a prefecture in the country. It is a faithful, docile and a bold breed.

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Beagles are beloved for their playful, friendly personalities, but make no mistake that hound dog instincts reside as well. These pups will sniff, chase, explore, and howl, but if you’re an active owner who can keep up and put time into training, the...

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Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers are a small, compact dog with a calm and friendly nature. It holds a place as one of the most popular dog breeds to own.

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English Pointer

Pointer as the English Pointer is usually called is a gun-dog from the land of the British. The name hints at their purpose which is to point at the game for hunters, unlike retrievers who point and even retrieve the game after the hunt. They are an...

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Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff or the Neo Mastiff is an Italian dog breed usually described as guard dogs is a close relative of the Cane Corso

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Manchester Terrier

Manchester Terriers are intelligent, cunning, and high-spirited dogs who love to learn. A true terrier is independent, loyal, lively, sporty, and alert. Discerning and loyal, Manchester Terriers are excellent watchdogs.

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Cane Corso

The Cane Corso dog is a somewhat rare breed that comes from Italy. These dogs are massive and known for their big heads and shiny, short fur. Their affectionate and intelligent personalities make them great pets for almost any home. The cane corso is a...

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Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is a breed that comes from Northeast Asia. Since prehistoric times, these dogs have been working together with humans in Arctic regions. Today, many of these gentle pups are kept as companion dogs around the world.

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