BlogBowl for Dogs & Cats
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Fever in Cats: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, & When to Worry
Has your feline friend been feeling under the weather? Just like humans, cats can develop fevers as a response to various underlying conditions. While a mild fever can be a normal part of their immune response, a high or prolonged fever can indicate a...
Cat Tips
Cat Skin Condition Guide
Skin forms the biggest organ in most of the animals around, including us humans. It has been assigned various tasks with the most important one being making us look the way we do. Other responsibilities include protective barrier against mechanical,...
Cat Tips
Hereditary Myopathy in Cats
Eye infections are quite common in cats and can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and even parasites. The symptoms of an eye infection, in most cases, are redness, swelling, discharge, rubbing, or squinting. Sneezing and nasal discharge can also...
Cat Tips
Periodontal Disease in Cats – Cat Gum Disease Guide
Dentists always recommend that we should chew our food properly, brush our teeth twice a day, and take good care of our gums. All this is not just so that you can bite on hard foods and eat without any discomfort, but there are several medical...
Cat Tips
MDR1 – Multi-Drug Resistance Mutation in Dogs
A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence of an organism. It can be humans, animals, birds, or any other living organism on this planet. Mutations can result from errors in DNA replication during cell division, exposure to mutagens, or a viral...
Dog Tips
Muscle Cramps in Dogs: Causes, Signs & How to Help
Muscle cramps, also known as spasms, can be a startling experience for both dogs and their owners. While a brief cramp might not be a cause for major concern, it's important to understand the potential causes and how to help your furry friend. This...
Dog Tips
From $1500 to $150,000: The 10 Most Expensive Cat Breeds
They say that ‘Nobody owns a cat’ but cats have been with people for more than 12,000 years now. Cats and humans have enjoyed a mostly symbiotic relationship for thousands of years. Dogs became friends with humans’ way back than cats because of their...
Breed Tips
Top 10 Best Cat Breeds Of All Time
Cats can be described as independent, ambivalent and aloof. The relation of cats and humans go way back. There are findings that first domesticated cats were around 12,000 years ago. That’s a very long time. Today, cats are one of the most petted...
Breed Tips
Best Hunting Dog Breeds for 2024: A Comprehensive Guide
For millennia, humans and dogs have shared a unique bond, especially in the realm of hunting. Dogs, with their keen senses and natural instincts, have proven to be invaluable hunting companions. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world...
Breed Tips
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