BlogBowl for Dogs & Cats
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Can Cats Eat Mushrooms?
Mushrooms and magic mushrooms have been in the limelight for a while now. They are not only used for their ‘magical’ properties but are a key ingredient in thousands of recipes across the globe. This proves that we humans enjoy mushrooms; their taste...
Cat Tips
Can Cats Eat Melon?
Musk melon, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, winter melon, casaba melon, bitter melon, American cucumber, mouse melon, sugar baby Matisse, and many more, are all members of the melon family. For this article, we’ll stick to the 3 main types of melons...
Cat Tips
Do Puppies Need Insurance?
Being a new pet parent can be wonderful. Welcoming home a pet, especially a puppy is a joyous experience. Tweaking our daily routines around our little pets and learning to care for them can be deeply fulfilling. While having a puppy around the house...
Why Pet Insurance?
Can Cats Eat Nectarines?
Cats are quite notorious for their unpredictable food choices. And this can often have you puzzled about what is safe to feed your cats. While many fruits and veggies are safe for cats, can they enjoy exotic fruits? Can cats eat nectarines? Let’s find...
Cat Tips
Can Cats eat Olives?
Yes, your cat can eat a little bit of olives. But, before going ahead and giving your cat a big bowl of olives, it’s important to understand the right quantity and ways to feed olives to your cat. Olives are a fruit that grows on a small tree or a...
Cat Tips
Can Dogs Eat Bananas? A Sweet Treat for Your Pup
If you're a dog owner, you've probably wondered what human foods are safe to share with your pet. The good news is that bananas are not only safe for dogs, but they also offer a range of potential health benefits. Are Bananas Good for Dogs? Bananas are...
Dog Tips
My Cat Ate an Edible: Understanding Symptoms & Treatment
In today's world of legalized cannabis, edibles - cannabis-infused products that are meant to be eaten, have become increasingly common. While these products offer recreational and therapeutic benefits for humans, they can pose serious risks to pets,...
Pet Safety
Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers? Benefits, Risks, & Advice
Cucumbers have long been a staple in human cuisine. Cucumbers have also found their way into dog food formulations. While some pet parents may be hesitant to offer cucumbers to their canine companions, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting...
Dog Tips
How to Cook Sweet Potatoes for Dogs: A Step-by-Step Guide
Sweet potatoes, with their vibrant orange hues and rich nutritional content, have become a popular addition to dog diets. These versatile tubers offer a wealth of health benefits, from boosting immunity to promoting digestive health. However, preparing...
Dog Tips
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