Dog Tips
How to Get Your Dog to Drink More Water
You can encourage your dog to drink more water using multiple techniques like placing multiple water bowls in areas where they spend more time and more. We’ve listed some more unique and interesting ways for you. If dogs had the same obsession with...
Dog Tips
Do Dogs Get Colds?
The answer to this would be a yes and a no. Dogs can get infections that cause cold-like symptoms like sneezing, coughing, congestion and more, but they don’t get colds in the same way that humans do. Respiratory issues are as common in dogs as they...
Dog Tips
Do Dogs Get Dizzy?
Yes, dogs can very much get dizzy and lose orientation. It is usually caused by an imbalance in their inner ears, making them turn, lean, or even fall and roll. It looks like you saw your dog having a moment of wobbling confusion as if they were...
Dog Tips
Do Dogs Get Tired of Barking?
Do you get tired of eating? Well, it looks like a funny question, but then, if you really think about it, you do, right? You can even get tired of talking. Now when you think of dogs and barking, it may feel like they can never get tired of barking...
Dog Tips
How Much Chocolate is Bad for Dogs?
The way you’ve asked this question, it seems like you’ve just tasted one of the finest chocolates out there and want to share the happiness with your canine buddy. As adorable as that thought might be, it is not a good idea at all. The question...
Dog Tips
Do Dogs Get Bored?
It looks like you spotted your dog staring out the window, looking like a philosopher in a deep existential crisis. Or maybe they’ve taken up the hobby of rearranging your couch cushions and chewing up remote controls? Whatever you saw your dog doing,...
Dog Tips
Is Flaxseed Good for Dogs?
Flaxseeds can be a great addition to a dog’s diet but not necessarily every day and all the time without any risk. Keep reading to know why. Flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds…these seeds have become the new limelight of the fitness wave. Not like...
Dog Tips
Is Grain Good for Dogs?
Dogs went from being carnivorous to omnivorous as they took the journey of settling in with humans and leaving their wild wolf genes behind. Humans took the same journey as they began settling and developing agriculture. Agriculture may have been the...
Dog Tips
Is Ice Good for Dogs?
It depends. If it is on top of an 18-year-old Scotch, then yes! We’re kidding. Don’t ever try to feed alcohol to your dog. But ice? Yes, you can sometimes feed some. It is completely safe for your dog, assuming that the water comes from a clean and...
Dog Tips
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