With 15 years as a dog and cat parent, my pet articles are a mix of humor and firsthand experience - proof that the best stories often come with paws and purrs.

Liver Failure in Dogs - When to be Concerned
The heart pumps, the lungs breathe, the stomach and the intestines digest, so what exactly does the liver do? The liver breaks down all the alcohol you drink. Quite an important task, right? But dogs do not drink. So, what does their liver do? It aids...
Dog Tips

What You Need to Know About Dog Clicker Training
Dog clicker training is basically using positive reinforcement for training a puppy or a dog. Ever heard of the famous Pavlovian experiment of ‘Classical and Operant Conditioning’? If not, we suggest a short read on it. To sum up the experiment...
Dog Tips

My Dog's Breath Smells Like Fish - Is it a Cause of Concern?
Your dog having a bad smell may not be new for you and it is quite common as well. But at times, you will need to investigate and find out the underlying reason behind it. The causes of a bad smell can range from tooth decay to kidney disease. Why...
Dog Tips

Altitude Sickness in Dogs
Ever paid for Bungee Jumping and then backed out at the last minute? Well, if you did not then Kudos to you! But if you did then that’s completely normal. Altitude sickness affects 25% to 85% of people traveling to high altitudes. And this happens...
Dog Tips

Are Orange Cats Crazy?
There is a very high chance that you’ve watched some crazy cat videos on TikTok or Reels and couldn’t wait to find out whether this is an actual thing or not. Wrestling with the doormat, staring at you like it’s going to launch a nuclear attack, doing...
Cat Tips

Can Dogs Have Imodium?
Now that you’ve searched ‘Imodium for Dogs’, it is highly likely that your dog has diarrhea and the vet has prescribed this medicine. But you usually won’t check the safety level of any medicine prescribed by your trusted vet, so either you’ve already...
Dog Tips

Best Dogs for First-Time Owners
Okay, first of all, great decision to get a dog! You will not regret it ever. And if you’re yet contemplating, we’ll help you clear all your doubts and get you the best first dog as per your needs. While it’s great to have a dog at home, it is a big...
Breed Tips

How Long Do Cats Live?
Unfortunately, cats do not have nine lives. The average lifespan of a cat is around 13-14 years of age. However, some cats do reach 18 years and the extraordinary ones sometimes end up being with their humans for 30 whole years! You would be shocked to...
Cat Tips

How to Calm an Anxious Dog
Just like us humans, dogs also face anxiety issues because of multiple reasons. As responsible and loving pet parents, we need to know how to identify if the dog is feeling anxious, how to calm him/her down, and how to prevent it from happening again. ...
Dog Tips

100 Best Names for Orange Cats
First of all congratulations on adopting a new ‘orange’ cat! You’re in for a lifetime of adventure. Naming a cat can be as challenging and interesting as naming a new baby. Most of the time we already know what we are going to call the baby if it is a...
Cat Tips

Separation Anxiety in Dogs - A Complete Guide
No one likes it when their loved ones leave them. For dogs, sometimes it can be even if it is for just a few hours. You would have seen your dog starting to behave differently when you started wearing your shoes and getting ready to leave for the...
Dog Tips

How Much Does an Oriental Shorthair Cost in 2024?
Oriental Shorthair Cat Characteristics Adult weight: 8 - 12 lbs. Adult height: 9 - 11 inches Life expectancy: 12 - 15 years Origin - England Oriental Shorthair cats are extraordinary companions, boasting a sleek and elegant appearance paired with an...
Breed Tips