Siamese Cat
Siamese cats are also very opinionated. They will tell you what they think of everything with some very vocal meows. Interestingly, the Siamese is one of the few cats that is okay with walking on a leash. They might also enjoy playing fetch or going through agility training.
Breed Profile
Life Span
What is it?
Glaucoma is an eye condition caused by fluid build-up that increases eye pressure.
Clinical signs:
Swollen eye, cloudy or red eyes, fluid discharge, reduced appetite and energy, eye discomfort, impaired visual awareness, eye rubbing.
Medications to drain eye fluid, medications for pain management, medical therapy (long term), surgery.
Other risks:
Prompt treatment is crucial, permanent blindness or the need to remove the eye surgically could occur in severe cases or due to delayed treatment must be monitored after treatment.
Eligible vet bill
*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit https://www.spotpetinsurance.ca/sample-policy for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
What is it?
Progressive retinal atrophy is a condition that affects a cat’s photoreceptors and leads to blindness.
Clinical signs:
Night blindness, nervousness at night, eyes reflect light, pupils are overly dilated
There currently is no effective treatment for PRA
Other risks:
When living with a blind cat, be mindful of moving furniture and other large objects. Your cat relies on its other senses to get around in its home environment, and changes can disrupt its equilibrium.
Eligible vet bill
*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit https://www.spotpetinsurance.ca/sample-policy for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.
Siamese cats are not only comfortable around other pets, but they also need companionship, so they tend to get along with other pets pretty well.
They will tell you what they think of everything with some very vocal meows
They might also enjoy playing fetch or going through agility training.
You can teach them to go through an agility course or give them puzzle toys to work on.
Lifetime Care
Coat They have short fur that is very sleek and silky. They shed minimally. Colors Blue point, lilac point, seal point, chocolate point, silver point, smoke point, apricot point, cream point, red point, tabby point. Hypoallergenic No. Grooming Weekly combing, occasional bath, nail clipping, brushing. Training They might also enjoy playing fetch or going through agility training.
Daily brushing, occasional bath, regular nail trims
Easy to train.
Siamese Cat: Cat Breed Information Guide
The sleek and enchanting Siamese cat is world-famous. Hiding beyond those beautiful blue eyes and silky, elegant exterior is an intelligent and loving little rascal. Are you thinking about adopting a Siamese? Here’s the information you need to know.
An ancient breed from Thailand, which used to be called Siam, these cats were popular among the royal family and were highly revered. They believed that the Siamese cats would receive the souls of royal family members after they died.
The Siamese who received the souls were taken to a temple and lived their lives in luxury. Perhaps this is why these adorably elegant cats have a reputation for being a little bit demanding.
They’re closely related to the Oriental Shorthair and the Oriental Longhair.
In the late 19th century, they debuted at the Crystal Palace cat show in London. Later on, one of the first Siamese cats to arrive in the United States was the First Lady of President Rutherford B. Hayes, Lucy Hayes. The cat was sent by the American Consul in Bangkok. After that, they have only grown in popularity.
If you’re thinking about adopting a Siamese cat, you’ll need to learn about the wants and needs of these kitties. You may want to adopt this cat because of their beautiful fur, but you should also be prepared for their big personality.
Here at Spot Pet Insurance, we understand that becoming a pet parent can be a bit of a learning curve, so we’re hoping to prepare you for your Siamese friend by giving you the education you need to help give your kitty a happy home.
What does a Siamese cat look like?
Siamese cats have a very distinctive look. Their sleek coats are usually one color, a tannish white, but at their extremities (tip of the tail, legs and paws, ears, and face). This particular look is called pointed.
Although many other breeds are pointed, the Siamese is probably the most well-known. Another famous characteristic of the Siamese is their bright blue eyes, which is common among many other cats with the pointed pattern.
Most people think of the traditional Siamese breed with the seal point pattern (the black tips), but there are many possible color variations like chocolate, blue, and lilac. There are also some less well-known variations, like red.
These cats tend to have long, muscular bodies, rounder heads, and large ears.
Are there different kinds of Siamese cats?
Although the types of Siamese cats are only differentiated by color, there are several similar breeds derived from Siamese cats, like the following:
What are the health risks for Siamese cats?
Like humans, animals can become ill. Sometimes it’s because of a virus or bacteria; other times, it can be a hereditary illness. Although reputable breeders try to screen their stock for health conditions so they don’t pass on the genes that cause these hereditary issues, it’s impossible to prevent every potential illness.
Your vet can discuss potential health issues with you and signs to look out for in your Siamese.
Some potential problems are various cancers, Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), crossed eyes, and Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome. We have gone more in-depth on some other issues that Siamese cats have below.
Personality of the Siamese
Are Siamese friendly? Or are they aloof?
Many cats are characterized as unfriendly and aloof, but usually, this isn’t the case, especially with Siamese cats. A Siamese loves it when you're around; they will follow you pretty much everywhere.
Siamese cats are also very opinionated. They will tell you what they think of everything with some very vocal meows. One opinion they always will always have is that you are their favorite human.
Do Siamese need exercise?
All pets need some form of exercise, although different animals need different amounts. The same goes for different breeds. Some cat breeds are more energetic than others.
Siamese are one of the more energetic breeds, so they’ll need more to keep them occupied. Interestingly, the Siamese is one of the few cats that is okay with walking on a leash. They might also enjoy playing fetch or going through agility training.
They’re also willing to climb onto anything and everything, so make sure you cat-proof your house before bringing a Siamese kitten home.
Do Siamese cats get along with kids?
Your Siamese will get along with kids. They enjoy attention and activity, so they’re pretty happy if they get the recognition they want.
You should probably keep an eye on children when they interact with your kitty. Even if your cat absolutely adores children, there’s only so much fur pulling they’ll tolerate, although they will probably respond by hiding rather than nipping.
How are Siamese cats with other pets?
If you have other cats or dogs at home, it’s important to find a cat that will be comfortable around other pets. Siamese cats are not only comfortable around other pets, but they also need companionship, so they tend to get along with other pets pretty well.
If you’re busy and can’t spend most of the day with your Siamese, it might be good to get another pet. Siamese cats need company, so they will find a companion in other pets that you have around.
Of course, if you’re a doggy parent, we can’t guarantee that your pup will enjoy having a new cat around, but your Siamese likely won’t mind.
Are Siamese cats intelligent?
Siamese cats are some of the most intelligent cats. They can learn tricks if you use a clicker. You can teach them to go through an agility course or give them puzzle toys to work on.
Of course, this also means that they’re good at figuring stuff out. If your Siamese gets bored or doesn’t get the attention they want, they might do things like turn on the sink or open all the kitchen cabinets.
Are Siamese good on their own?
Siamese cats are very intelligent and affectionate. They want to have someone around almost all the time. They are companionable cats, so they need a companion. However, they can suffer from separation anxiety.
To help prevent this issue, it’s a good idea to get a companion for your cat or be a work-from-home pet parent. You can also help your cat adjust to being alone for short periods of time as a kitten, but you still shouldn’t leave them alone for long periods.
How to care for Siamese
What is the coat of a Siamese cat like?
They have short fur that is very sleek and silky. They shed minimally.
Siamese cat colors:
Blue point
Lilac point
Seal point
Chocolate point
Silver point
Smoke point
Apricot point
Cream point
Red point
Tabby point
Are Siamese cats hypoallergenic?
Not exactly. Siamese cats still produce the cause of the allergen, but not as much as other cats. Their fur is particularly short, which means they produce less dander than many other cats.
What kind of grooming does a Siamese cat need?
They need weekly combing and the occasional bath and nail clipping. They also need their teeth brushed regularly.
How to be the best pet parent for a Siamese?
Every animal has their own specific needs and wants. Siamese cats are no exception.
Behavior etiquette for your cat
The Siamese should be taught how to be by themselves for short periods of time if you can’t afford a second cat. In extreme cases, they may need anxiety medication.
If you get a clicker, you might be able to teach your Siamese cat tricks, like sit, stay, or come.
You can also use a clicker to guide your Siamese cat through agility courses.
It’s a good idea to provide a stretching post for your Siamese kitten. Otherwise, you might find that your furniture becomes their scratching post.
Your cat can also learn to play games like fetch.
What type of foods should a Siamese never eat?
Like all cats, Siamese can’t have some kinds of human food. These foods include, but are not limited to:
Grapes and related species
Onions and their relatives
Caffeinated things
Large amounts of fish (can cause a thiamine deficiency)
Yeast dough
Grains (cats can have problems digesting them)
Your cat might also have allergies or sensitivities to some kinds of food, but these can only be determined by testing the individual.
Exercising tips to keep your cat to stay fit and healthy
Your Siamese is probably going to need quite a bit of exercise, both mentally and physically. They do exercise themselves physically as they explore your house, but it would be helpful to play fetch with them every once in a while. They’ll also love it if you take them for a walk.
Walks can also help them exercise their minds since they can explore, as long as you have them on their leash. You can also teach them tricks, get puzzles toys, or install bird feeders so your cat can watch.
Siamese cat life stages
Although your kitten will sleep more than their older counterparts, they are adorable little bundles of mischief that will try to learn everything about anything. Adult Siamese cats have a fully developed personality, and they’ll follow you everywhere, telling you what they think. Although they might be slowing down, your senior Siamese is still just as curious as ever. You might also notice their fur getting darker as they age.
Kitten: 0-6 months | Adult: 2-10 years | Senior: 10-15 years
Breed Info | Parkwood Animal Hospital
Enlargement of Esophagus in Cats | PetMD
Progressive Retinal Atrophy In The Cat | VCA Animal Hospitals
Feline Asthma Diagnosis | vetinfo.com
Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Cat | The Humane Society of Bay County
How Much Does Cat Litter Cost Per Month – Prices & More | FAQcats.com
I just learned my cat has asthma! How much does it cost to treat it? I'd like to find insurance to help pay for it, and | justanswer.com
Siamese - Amyloidosis | UFAW
Siamese Cat Cat Breed Hypoallergenic, Health and Life Span | PetMD
Siamese Cat Breed Information and Breed | PetGuide
Siamese Cat Breed Information | vetstreet.com
The Siamese Cat Growth Timeline: What to Expect at All Ages | FAQcats.com
Siamese | VCA Animal Hospitals
What human foods can Siamese cats eat? - Questions & Answers | VetInfo/QA
Siamese Breed | The International Cat Association
Siamese | The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA)
Are Siamese Cats Hypoallergenic? | Animal Path
Siamese Cat Breed Information | Vet Street