The Nebelung cat is a rare and relatively new breed of cat, also known as the long-haired Russian blue. A Nebelung cat is a loving and affectionate pet that shares its love with its family members. If given the opportunity, they'll snuggle up with their favorite people at bedtime for long naps and TV-watching sessions. Nebelung cats are playful and gentle at the same time.
Breed Profile
Life Span
15-18 year
Polycystic Kidney Disease
What is it?
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary condition that can lead to kidney cyst degeneration and eventually kidney failure. One or both kidneys may be affected. Typically, signs of illness can appear between 7 and 10 years of age, although some cats can show signs much earlier.
Clinical Signs
Increased drinking & urination
Diminished appetite
Weight Loss
Ultrasound-guided drainage of the kidney cyst is one of the most effective treatment for cats diagnosed with PKD, in addition to symptomatic and supportive treatments. The cat may be given anti-inflammatory or other pain medications for the discomfort.
Eligible vet bill
*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit https://www.spotpetinsurance.ca/sample-policy for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.
Playful, Affectionate, and Intelligent
Nebelung are typically very friendly cats
They are usually playful towards the family
Nebelung’s are very affectionate towards their family
Lifetime Care
Their outer coat is fine and silky, semi-long over the body, with a slight shortening at the shoulders.
They have a blue coat, sound to the roots, and a soft lustrous sheen. Unlike guard hairs on the outer coat, the undercoat layer is a very soft down.
Grooming this cat breed daily is essential to help remove any shedding or dead hair. Their silky, soft double coat can make grooming easy.
Nebelung’s are generally easy to train.
In addition to being highly intelligent, this breed is also easy to train to play fun games like fetch. Kitties can learn how to walk on leashes, allowing them to explore the outdoors safely and exercise. While some breeds need constant attention from their owners, the Nebelung cat is okay with some alone time. While your cat probably won't be able to entertain themselves for days on end while you're at work, you won't have to worry about leaving them unattended. Cats like kids and other pets, and they enjoy socializing whenever they have the opportunity, as long as it is within the family.
Nebelung: Introduction to the Breed
You will have to make some significant decisions in your family's life when it comes to owning a pet. Prior to purchasing a new cat, you should take the time to research the available breeds and determine which one is going to be most suitable for your family and lifestyle. Consider what characteristics you would like to see in a cat and what characteristics you would prefer to see in a cat. To make a good decision about the Nebelung, you should know a few things.
Nebelung’s are generally:
Despite their friendly and affectionate nature, the Nebelung often takes a while to warm up to new people. Although they are loving and loyal to those they know, they can be aloof and reserved with strangers. It is not uncommon for visitors to find them hiding away in the house.
A Nebelung is very devoted to their family once they have settled into their new home, often following them from room to room. This cat enjoys lap cuddles and petting but also enjoys spending time alone. Despite their ability to get along with calm children and other household pets that aren't too rambunctious, this isn't the right breed of cat for a house full of boisterous noises. Although they love cuddles and affection when you are around, they are not particularly needy cats, and they are generally fine left alone while you work. Apartment living is a good fit for this breed.
The Nebelung has laid-back personality and is very intelligent, although they enjoy playtime and activity. If training begins at an early age, some cats will even walk on a leash.
What is the origin of Nebelung?
As a breed of cat, the Nebelung is very new and still quite rare. As a nod to their beautiful, shiny silver-blue coat, Nebelung means 'creature of the mist' in German. This breed originated in the United States despite its German name. Cora Cobb, the breed's founder, gave her son a black domestic short-hair cat in the early 1980s. This cat mated with a short-haired, blue-furred male that looked much like a Russian Blue, resulting in a litter of six kittens, including a male with long blue-gray fur. Siegfried was Cora's favorite cat, and she kept him.
Soon after, her son's cat had another litter from the same father, and this time there was a female kitten with the same long, blue-gray hair. Cora also kept her and named her Brunhilde.
Using Russian Blue cats as "outcrosses" to increase the genetic diversity of the new breed, Cora started a breeding program with Siegfried and Brunhilde. Nebelung cats were originally presented as long-haired Russian blues and were held to the same standards.
In 1987, The International Cat Association and later the American Cat Fanciers Association recognized the Nebelung as an entirely new breed, which did not sit well with some Russian Blue breeders. The Cat Fanciers Federation and the overall Cat Fanciers Association have yet to formally recognize them.
What are the Risks for the Korat Cat Breed?
Like any cat, Nebelung cats are susceptible to developing health conditions over their lifetimes. The Nebelung cats are generally long-lived and often reach the age of 18 or even older. Make sure you do not overfeed your pet. There are many health conditions associated with obesity in cats, including diabetes and arthritis. It is common for Nebelung’s to be fussy eaters, but once they find a food they enjoy, they can easily become overweight if allowed to consume too much of it.
There is no doubt that Nebelung cats are gentle and undemanding, but they also have a playful side as well. Provide your cat with plenty of toys and other forms of enrichment around the house to keep them stimulated, active, and entertained. Training your Nebelung to walk on a leash is an excellent way to help provide extra exercise, relieve boredom, and spend quality time together.
Lots of changes can make Nebelung’s feel anxious and unsettled, as they thrive on routine. Because of this aspect of their personality and their mysterious nature around strangers, they benefit from early and ongoing socialization to minimize the possibility that they will become overly shy or nervous. A Nebelung's long, double coat can take up to two years to fully develop. Although they are not prolific shedders, they will require regular grooming to keep their coat from becoming matted or tangled. Prevent damage to your cat's silky fur by using a brush designed for long-haired cats. Nebelungs benefit from regular nail trimming, teeth brushing, and veterinary checkups and vaccinations.
Despite your best efforts, Nebelung can still get sick, even if you do everything in your power to keep them healthy. Due to this, it's essential to be prepared for the things you cannot control. At Spot Pet Insurance, our number one priority is helping you give your cat the long, happy, and healthy life they deserve through educational materials like this one.