Why Pet Insurance?

Do All Vets Take Pet Insurance?

Key Points
  • Spot Pet Insurance offers coverage for any licensed vet in the US and Canada
  • Most pet insurance plans follow a reimbursement model, requiring you to pay upfront and file for reimbursement
  • Direct pay options are less common in the pet insurance industry

For most pet insurance plans, a direct answer to this would be, ‘Yes,’ all bills from licensed vets can be submitted to your provider. But there’s more to know about this. This is one of the most common questions people have when they are considering getting pet insurance. Accessibility and acceptability are two of the most important factors when choosing almost any product or service.

Similarly, when we go to buy pet insurance, one of the first things you might ask is where the insurance plan is accepted. Is it acceptable at all the veterinary facilities that you currently visit or may visit in the future? Let’s dive deeper into the world of pet insurance and how it works.

Do All Vets Take Pet Insurance?

For most pet insurance plans, the direct answer to this would be, ‘Yes,’ all bills from licensed vets in Canada can be submitted to your insurance provider. But it's not completely cut and dry. Let's dive into the details.

How Does Pet Insurance Work?

Pet insurance is primarily designed to help cover a portion of your pet’s eligible vet costs for new, unexpected accidents and illnesses. Policyholders typically pay a premium monthly or annually for a pet’s policy. At the time of an unexpected veterinary expense, the pet parent will pay the vet and then submit a claim to their pet insurance provider for reimbursement of the covered conditions. Upon approval of the claim, you are reimbursed based on the parameters of your plan.

There are 3 common types of insurance plans –

  • Accident-Only: Accident-related injuries like broken bones, accidental poisoning, bite wounds, or swallowed objects are covered in these plans. Annual exams, vaccines, or other routine care are not typically covered here.

  • Accident and Illness: Arthritis, diabetes, and other chronic conditions like cancer are usually covered, on top of all the accident-related injuries in these plans.

  • Preventive Add-Ons: Routine care like annual exams, vaccinations, flea and heartworm prevention, or spay/neuter surgeries may be covered in a preventive plan, which can sometimes be added to an accident and illness plan for an extra cost.

Do All Vets Take Pet Insurance?

The acceptability can depend on the insurer. Spot Pet Insurance plans allow you to visit any licensed vet clinic in the whole of Canada and the U.S. and submit claims for reimbursement. Spot plans also let you use any licensed specialist and emergency care clinic for reimbursement of eligible costs. At Spot, we firmly believe in helping ease the life of a pet parent through the services we offer.

How Does Vet Bill Reimbursement Work?

The process of payment is the same as it is for buying any commodity or service. You use the service or the product, the provider hands you a bill, and you pay the amount. Generally speaking, the process here is also pretty much the same. It involves 3 basic steps –

  1. Take your pet to a licensed vet – Visiting a licensed vet is a basic pre-requisite for your claim to be considered. Your claim can be denied if the vet does not hold a license in Canada. With Spot plans, the U.S. also works.

  2. Pay in full at checkout – You have to pay the bill in full after the service has been delivered.

  3. File a claim for reimbursement – You will get an invoice or bill at the time of checkout. You will have to use this to file for reimbursement. If your claim is approved, you’ll receive reimbursement on the eligible expenses. The time it takes to get your money back may vary depending on whether it is a direct deposit or a paper check method of reimbursement. We encourage our pet parents to choose direct deposit as it can speed up the time it takes for you to get your money back for eligible vet bills.

With Spot Pet Insurance plans, you can submit your claim via the member center, email, fax, or by mail.

What Does Pet Insurance Cover?

Most pet insurance plans cover accidental injuries, illnesses, hospitalization, and emergencies. With Spot plans, the list is a little longer than some others. Apart from all these, our plans can also help cover the eligible costs of–

  • Sick exam fees

  • Skin, eye and ear infections

  • Hereditary conditions

  • Hip dysplasia

  • Cancer and growths

  • Orthopedic conditions

  • Alternative therapies like acupuncture

  • Advanced care

And much more…


For pets, coverage typically follows a reimbursement model. This can give you the freedom to visit any licensed vet in Canada and receive coverage under the insurance plan. Very few pet insurance providers have a direct pay option though, so most require you to go through the reimbursement route.

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