Searching the internet for the best cat names or if a new dog will get along with her? How about planning a vacation with your pet? Whatever your question – Spot has the expert pet lifestyle tips to help.

5 Creative Employee Benefit Ideas
Creative Employee Benefits to Boost Morale Contributor: SPOT Pet Insurance President Scott Taylor The past year has been an interesting year for work. Most office employees have been confined to home offices. We picture french doors and mahogany desks,...

3 Simple Changes to be a More Environmentally Responsible Pet Parent
There are many ways to be a responsible pet parent or guardian. You can give your pet protection and love and keep them mentally stimulated. You can make sure they are well-trained and respectful around other humans. And of course, you can maintain...

10 Simple Indoor Activities for Pets to Burn Winter Energy
We get it. After a long day of working and commuting, combined with short days of winter, you’re ready to get comfortable on the couch and hibernate. However, your dog has been waiting all day for their best friend to walk through the door. And now,...

5 Fantastic Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day for Pets
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to start brainstorming some ways to celebrate with your furry Valentine! Here are a few of our favorite ideas for showing your pet how much you love them on Valentine’s Day. Treat Your Pet While...

New Year’s Resolutions: Pet Edition
We humans are big on making New Year’s Resolutions: ways in which we’re going to be healthier, happier, friendlier, more productive, and everything else in the coming year. We don’t always follow through with our resolutions, but it’s still a nice...

Planning Seasonal Travel? Tips for Pet Care While on Holiday
How To Care For Your Pets While You’re Away This Holiday Season It’s that time of year again: the Holidays. This year, 2020, has been an incredibly unpredictable year, but at least the calendar remains consistent. People have been worried about their...

Service Dog Etiquette
Everything You Need to Know About Service Dog Etiquette Stopping to pet every dog on the street is one of the best things about being alive, right, dog lovers? While it may be hard to pass by a good boy or girl without giving them attention, in the...

Mobile Vets
Vet Visits During COVID-19 This year has brought shelter-in-place orders and caused businesses to close their doors either temporarily or-in some cases-permanently. Vet offices have not been immune to the effects of COVID-19. While many vets are not...
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Why Pet Insurance is Essential for Canadian Pet Parents

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Is Your Dog’s Behavior Unpredictable? This Might Be Why! (Written by a once-struggling dog owner turned dog trainer)

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