Your dog may blackmail you emotionally with those eyes into giving them a chip. But you need to know how safe it is before falling for it and thinking that a couple of chips won’t do much harm to your dog.
Can dogs eat potato chips? Chips are nothing more than fat, carbs and salt. So, the answer to your question (or your dog’s ask) is a big fat no (pun intended). They offer zero nutritional value to dogs (or to you). Apart from the processed oils, fat and sodium content, packed potato chips also contain artificial flavors, additives and preservatives. All of these can prove to be extremely harmful to your dog’s health.
What Happens If My Dog Eats Potato Chips?
All the above bad things, when they enter your dog’s stomach, can cause the following – (1)
Stomach achesd
A medium serving of potato chips can have around 390mg of sodium. The limit of sodium intake for an average adult dog weighing about 33 pounds is 200mg. The same portion also contains fats in the range of 14-40 grams. The fat limit for an average dog is 14 grams. You can do the math! (3)
The excessive fat in chips can cause pancreatitis in dogs – a life-threatening condition. All that sodium can cause dehydration and in the worst cases, sodium poisoning.
If you see that your bag of chips is half gone while you went for a short pee break, first of all, take away the remaining pack from them. Take your dog to your vet immediately. The above symptoms may not show initially as they may take up to 24 hours to appear. However, your vet needs to know about it and start the necessary treatment.
This was about a one-time indulgence. If your dog develops a habit of eating potato chips regularly, irrespective of the quantity, it will lead to weight gain and eventually obesity among all other problems.
How Many Chips Can I Give My Dog?
1-2 chips may not do severe harm to your dog. But if you ask us, we will say 0. There are many more alternatives for your dog to snack on occasionally. There is no point risking your pet’s health over a 2-minute indulgence that may make your dog love you more for that moment (if they find it tasty). But when they start feeling the pain and discomfort, they will probably start to question your parenting.
If your dog is in its puppy stages, it is highly recommended that you avoid any kinds of fried chips altogether. At that age, they need nutritious, protein-rich foods to support their rapid growth. Adding snacks like potato chips to their diet may harm their growth severely.
Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potato Chips?
Yes, you can feed your dog some sweet potato chips, but terms and conditions apply. No oil, no salt or any kind of seasonings and you can go ahead and feed a couple of sweet potato chips to your doggy.
In fact, if you can arrange for a healthy, baked version of sweet potato chips for your dog, it can also provide them with vitamins A, B and C, fiber and some anti-inflammatory nutrients. Despite that, you should only be feeding them the chips as an occasional treat and only 1-2 of them. (2)
However, before adding any new food to your dog, it is always better to check with your vet as he/she would have the complete medical history of your dog and would be able to advise better.
Can Dogs Eat Unsalted Potato Chips?
Can dogs eat potato chips if they are unsalted? With unsalted chips, you wouldn’t have to worry about all the problems that come with salt. Your dog won’t get dehydrated or get sodium poisoning. But that doesn’t mean that the fats and carbohydrates will not do their job in your dog’s body.
It is always better to avoid any kind of fried snacks for your dog. This includes French fries, potato wedges, crisps, etc.
The only good thing that your dog can eat safely and has potato in it is – Potato. If cooked and served plain in the right quantity, potatoes can be safe for your dog to eat. They are also an ingredient in many pet foods as they come loaded with carbs and can help your dog feel full for a longer time. Avoid feeding them potatoes regularly as well. Dogs do not need as much carbohydrates as us. The bigger the size, the more the requirement for carbs in the body. (2)
More About Spot Pet Insurance
Owning a pet can be tough at times. You need to constantly be aware of what and how much goes into their mouths. Some things you can control and others you may not be able to. Sometimes unwanted foods can cause severe reactions in your dog and even require surgery for treatment. The bills can put a severe dent in your savings at such times.
Not with pet health insurance though! With pet health insurance, you can save up to 90% of medical costs. With Spot Pet, you can save many more costs.
Spot accident and illness plans can be used with any licensed vet in Canada or the U.S. Whether you are home, or traveling to the U.S., veterinary services your pet receives for the diagnosis, treatment, or management of covered conditions can be eligible for reimbursement. Spot’s accident and illness plans can help cover a variety of conditions including broken bones, lacerations, aggression, kidney disease, diabetes, and more. With the addition of Wellness Riders for an extra cost, you can also receive reimbursements for wellness exams, certain vaccinations, dental cleanings, and more.
Learn more about dog insurance or get a free quote!

Audrey Halfen: Beta fish whisperer - whopping 9 months and counting! Once had a dog named Max, who I assertively claim is the cutest dog ever. Ready to throw down in a cute-off, if necessary.
Andrei, J. (2021, January 15). Can dogs eat potato chips? Are potato chips safe for dogs? DogTime.
Staff, R. (2024, May 20). Can my dog eat chips? | The Dog People by The Dog People by