Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Pancakes and Waffles?

Key Points
  • Pancakes and waffles are not recommended for dogs due to their high fat and carbohydrate content.
  • Dogs with diabetes, specific dietary needs, obesity, or lactose intolerance should avoid pancakes and waffles entirely.
  • Overconsumption of pancakes or waffles can lead to gastric problems, vomiting, loose bowels, and lethargy in dogs.
  • It is important to avoid store-bought pancakes and waffles with added sugar or unhealthy toppings.

Who doesn’t like to wake up to a delicious American Breakfast with strawberry or maple syrup laden pancakes, chocolate filled waffles with cream alongside? Not only a breakfast snack but also a dessert option, pancakes and waffles have gained quite a popularity worldwide in the recent times. More and more flavors are being added to them making us humans crave more for them.

We humans tend to share almost everything with our beloved pet dogs as it a common notion that if it is good for the human tongue or gut then it is probably good for the dog’s tongue and gut too. It may be even true at times but not all the times. The question here is, should you share a few bites of your morning pancake breakfast with your dog or not?

Do Dogs Like Pancakes or Waffles?

Dogs have been known to hog on human foods and may enjoy them just like humans. And tongues of dogs, just like humans are made to love sweet, high carb foods. There is a reason we see dogs loving sweet foods like cakes and biscuits. So, by that logic, pancakes and waffles may be intriguing to your puppy, no doubt. Also read, Can Dogs Eat Junk Food? Is It Safe?

Are Pancakes or Waffles Good for Dogs?

Us humans and dogs may have some similar eating preferences but because of our higher intelligence or consciousness towards ourselves we tend to know if our foods are heathy or not, and how much of it is good for us. Well, that job is left to us for dogs. So it becomes important to check if pancakes are even healthy or not and if not, how much quantity is okay? The answer is: Yes, it is generally safe for dogs to consume pancakes in limited quantity but with cautions.1 But the nutritional value may be a little disappointment here.

Health Benefits of Pancakes or Waffles For Dogs

Pancakes or Waffles are not nutritional as such for your pups. They contain a bit of calcium and good fats but are high in sodium and carbohydrates. Pancakes and waffles add little to no nutrition for your pet and should be given in very limited quantities to your dog.2

How Much Pancake Is Good for Your Dog?

Pancakes are not supposed to be a part of your dog’s regular diet. Also, it is important to note that Pancakes or Waffles are very high in fats and dogs are known to have troubles digesting fats. So just a small amount should be okay once in a while and shouldn't exceed more than 10% of your dog’s daily diet.2 Also Read, Can Dogs Eat Dry Fruits ? Is It Safe?

How Can You Feed Pancakes or Waffles to Your Dog?

Pancakes or Waffles may be okay in very small quantities, but how exactly to add Pancakes or Waffles into the dog’s diet is also important. There are other cautions to note before adding Pancakes or Waffles to your dog’s food bowl.

  • Unsweetened – Most store-bought pancakes have added sugar and are bad for diabetic dogs or could cause your dog to put on weight, leading to obesity problems.

  • No top-upsChocolate, raisins, maple syrup, honey, certain types of nuts, whipped cream, almonds, and grapes are all possible add-ons to our pancakes. And all of these are to be strictly avoided as many of them are toxic to dogs.

  • Unboxed – Avoid the ready to eat mixes as they may contain several preservatives and other chemicals that are not good for dogs

Be ready to enjoy a ton of love in the form of licks after you throw a bite of pancake straight into your dog’s mouth.

But make sure don’t you fall for the licks and end up feeding it more of it. Stick to the recommended quantities.

What Can Happen If Your Dog Eats An Unusual Amount of Pancakes or Waffles?

If your dog ate a lot of Pancakes or Waffles while you were busy making the itinerary for your next trip or packing bags for an already made plan, keep an eye out for the following symptoms of an upset stomach. You should contact your vet right away if you see –

Which Dogs Should Not Eat Pancakes or Waffles?

There can be some dogs more susceptible to stomach harm from Pancakes or Waffles. For them, Pancakes or Waffles should altogether be avoided and other sources of proteins and vitamins should be looked at. The list includes –

  • Dogs with Diabetes – If your dog has already been diagnosed with Diabetes or any of its symptoms then it is strictly recommended that you avoid pancakes and waffles.

  • Specific diets – If your vet has recommended a specific diet for your pet for training, growth, or just for basic health purposes, then avoid it as it is comparatively high in fats.

  • Dogs with a higher weight – If your dog is susceptible to obesity or has already been gaining more than usual weight then you might want to avoid any form of pancakes as it is high in fats and can trigger obesity.

  • Lactose Intolerant Dogs – Pancakes usually contain a proportion of milk, which can cause irritation and thus allergies to lactose intolerant dogs.


Everyone likes a cheat day once in a while, even the most health conscious people on this planet. And it’s not a bad thing as such. It’s the same for dogs. So go ahead and treat your dogs for good behavior or a good training session with a bite of a delicious pancake or waffle. Just remember, the less, the better.

  1. Nat Smith. "Can My Dog Eat Pancakes?" The Dog People by Rover, n.d.,

The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.

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