Cat Tips

Do Cats Kill Rats?

If you’re asking if Tom ever wanted to kill Jerry, then the answer is ‘NO’. Despite the wars that happened every day in the house, Tom and Jerry were actually best friends. Tom only pretended to always chase Jerry to impress the house owner so that he would not be thrown off the house. 

But now the real question is, are all real-life Toms and Jerrys best friends or do cats really try to kill rats? 

Cats vs rats - a battle that has raged through the annals of history, from the fields of ancient agriculture to the alleys of modern cities. Cats have been looked at as rodent-hunting masters for millennia. In ancient Egypt, they were worshipped as gods and kept as guardians of grain stores, protecting vital food supplies from ravenous rats. But let’s face it – we’ve seen plenty of cats who would rather prefer sunbathing and perfecting their disdainful stares as opposed to running after some rat. 

So, we know that cats do kill rats. But now the question is, do they kill rats? Because having the ability and willingness to do it are two different things. And the following question can be - does it come naturally to all cats or is it more of a hit-or-miss situation? 

The answer to the first question would be ‘no’. Firstly, cats are great at catching mice and not so much for rats. Rats are typically bigger in size and have more flight than mice. And even though cats do have the ability to kill rats, they mostly won’t. They wouldn’t find it worth the effort. Most would end up playing with their prey to hone their hunting skills and others will just look at you and say – ‘that’s not my job’. (1)

For the second question – not all cats are created equal when it comes to hunting abilities and willingness. Multiple factors will influence a cat’s hunting skills. These include – 

  • Breed and genetics – Breeds like the American Shorthair or the Siamese are known for their stronger hunting instincts. However, you may find non-hunters in these breeds and great ones in other breeds as well due to genetics.

  • Training - Kittens typically learn by playing, stalking, and pouncing, all of which are essential hunting behaviors. Depending on the hunting opportunities a kitty gets at a young age, the skills will be developed accordingly later. 

  • Lifestyle – Cats in the wild and the ones who spend more time outdoors are more likely to be great hunters as against the ones that prefer lounging and binge-watching Netflix with their humans. 

Will Cats Scare Away Rats? 

British Shorthair

Most people think that just by the presence of a cat, rats will stay away. But that’s not true. Rats are not as scared of cats as we think they might be. However, some studies have shown that a cat’s odor in the house will stop the rats from coming out into the open to search for food or water. (1)

Are Rats a Danger to Cats? 

Maine Coon

If you’re asking will a rat, ever try to kill my cat or get it injured, then the answer is no. But do rats pose a threat to cats? The answer is yes. And the threat is rodent illness.

Cats, for their love of hunting rodents of all kinds, will often bring home what they catch. Sometimes, along with the rodent, they may also bring rodent illnesses in the form of infections, parasites and toxins. Some of these can even be fatal if left untreated. 

The most common illnesses caused in cats by rodents are toxoplasmosis, plague bacteria, hantavirus, tularemia, intestinal parasites, and rodenticide toxins. It is important to identify any signs of these illnesses in your cat and treat them at the earliest to avoid any severe harm. The signs to look out for include – (2)

  • Lethargy

  • Vomiting and diarrhea

  • Constant nasal discharge, sneezing or coughing

  • Mouth lesions

  • Weight loss

  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the head and neck

  • Pale gums

  • Loss of coordination

  • Yellowing of skin, mucous membranes, and the whites of the eyes)

  • Seizures

If you see any of the above signs, you must straight away run to a vet and start treatment. 

Will Rats Come into a House with Cats? 


Yes, they will. Rats and even mice are smarter than we give them credit for. They will come to know about the presence of a cat in the house by sensing a cat’s odor. And they will also know that the cat will be able to smell them because of the smell of the chemicals found in their saliva. But rats are determined creatures. They will take advantage of their size and simply go and hide in a place where the cat can’t reach them. (3)

More About Spot Pet Insurance

The ‘chase the rodent’ game can cause serious troubles for your cat at times as mentioned above. The treatment of these illnesses can put a dent in your savings at times. But not with pet health insurance. You can save up to 90% of all the vet expenses by getting health insurance for your cat. With Spot Pet, you can save many more expenses!

With a Spot accident and illness plan, you can take your cat for treatment at any licensed vet in Canada or the U.S. Spot plans don’t have networks, so whether you’re home or traveling within the U.S, veterinary services your cat receives for the diagnosis, treatment, or management of eligible services can be covered. Spot’s accident and illness plans can help cover a variety of conditions, ranging from broken bones and bite wounds to behavioral conditions, and cancer. While base plans do not offer coverage for preventive care services, Spot’s Wellness Riders can be added to any base plan for an additional fee and can help cover the eligible costs of wellness exams, vaccinations, dental cleanings, and more! 

Learn more about cat insurance or get a free quote!


  1. Burgess, R. (2023, October 21). Do Cats Kill Rats? — Dalton Engineering. Dalton Engineering.

  2. Stregowski, J. (2022, May 25). Rodent illnesses in cats. The Spruce Pets.

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