Black beans, also called turtle beans, caviar criollo, and frijoles negros, have been a part of American diets for at least 7000 years. Just like peanuts, peas, and lentils, black beans are known for their high protein and fiber content. The name turtle beans comes from its hard, shell-like appearance. Native to America, this bean can now be found across the globe. Given its rich nutritional value, people all over the world use this ingredient in various recipes.
Can cats eat Black Beans?
Yes, cats can eat black beans, but they may not be the best choice for your cat to snack on.1 So, before adding black beans to your cat's diet, there are a few more questions you need the answers to. For example: how many black beans can a cat have and what is the best way to feed black beans to a cat? All of these questions are answered below.
Do cats like Black beans?
Cats are often intrigued by the foods that humans eat. They are often curious about the texture of different foods, but not all cats will jump on you and ask for a bite. There is no way to know for sure if your cat will like black beans, the only way to know if to give them a bite. But first, you may be curious...
Are Black beans good for cats?
Half a cup of black beans, approximately 90 grams, contains the following –
Energy: 114 kilocalories
Protein: 7.62 g
Fat: 0.46 g
Carbohydrate: 20.39 g
Fiber: 7.5 g
Sugars: 0.28 g
Calcium: 23 milligrams (mg)
Iron: 1.81 mg
Magnesium: 60 mg
Phosphorus: 120 mg
Potassium: 305 mg
Sodium: 1 mg
Zinc: 0.96 mg
Thiamin: 0.21 mg
Niacin: 0.434 mg
Folate: 128 msg
Vitamin K: 2.8 mg
With a healthy dose of protein, fiber, and other vitamins and minerals, black beans can provide multiple benefits to cats.2 These can include –
Growth – The high protein content can help in the overall growth and development of cats.
Healthy Intestines – The rich fiber content can help cats who suffer from digestive issues by keeping their intestines healthy.
Metabolism – Vitamin B6 in these beans helps aid metabolism.
Eyesight – Vitamin A helps in maintaining good eyesight in cats. Here are 5 more tips for pet eye care.
Overall health - Magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium are all essential minerals for a cat’s overall health and black beans are a great source.
Risks of Black Beans for Cats
While there are multiple benefits of black beans for cats, there are also some potential risks of feeding a cat black beans. While black beans aren't poisonous to cats overeating them can cause several gastrointestinal issues.2 This is because cats can't digest carbs well. In certain cases, if the beans do not suit the cat, it could lead to symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and weight gain.2 Here are a few tips on weight management for pets.
How Many Black Beans Are Okay for a Cat?
Cats are carnivorous. So, most of their nutritional requirements can be fulfilled by eating meat and other specially formulated cat foods. Black beans should not be a part of your cat’s regular diet. While introducing any new food item to your cat, always start with a very small amount. Monitor the cat for at least 24 hours, and keep an eye out for any reaction of an allergic reaction. Increase the quantity gradually only if they show no signs of a reaction. Keep in mind, that treats should never make up more than 10% of the cat’s daily diet.
How Can I Feed Black Beans to My Cat?
It is important to know how exactly to feed Black beans to your cat. The rules to remember here are as follows –
Keep Them Plain – Only give your cat plain, unsalted, and un-seasoned. black beans. Any type of seasoning like garlic, onions, etc. can be toxic to your cat.
Cooked – Raw beans can pose a choking hazard and cause digestive issues in cats. Cooked beans are easier for cats to digest.2
Stick to plain and cooked black beans and treat them as an occasional treat for your furry friend. It may not be the most nutritious treat for your cat but if your cat loves the texture then you can give them a few beans every once in a while. Always remember that fruits and vegetables, including grains, should never be a substitute for a cat’s regular food. They should only be treated as an addition or a treat.

Creative manager by day, pet enthusiast all the time! After 19 years with my dog (hopefully he wins the award for oldest pet in the world), I enjoy spending my days brainstorming tail-wagging content, and sniffing out the latest trends in the pet world.
“Can Cats Eat Black Beans?” Cat Food Haven,, April 6, 2023.
The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.