With 15 years as a dog and cat parent, my pet articles are a mix of humor and firsthand experience - proof that the best stories often come with paws and purrs.
Can Dogs Eat Tofu And Paneer?
There are many different types of tofu. The different types depend on the water content and its ensuing texture. The most common types are soft, medium, firm, extra firm or super firm. When water is pressed out of tofu, it becomes firmer. With less...
Dog Tips
Berries for Dogs: What's Safe and What to Avoid
While berries offer a tasty and nutritious snack for humans, it's important to understand which varieties are safe for our canine companions. Let's explore the potential benefits and risks of berries in a dog's diet. Safe Berries for Dogs Several berry...
Dog Tips
Can Dogs Eat Almonds? A Comprehensive Guide to Almond Safety for Dogs
Many of us enjoy almonds as a healthy snack, but can dogs eat almonds too? The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. While almonds aren't inherently toxic to dogs, they pose various risks and offer little nutritional value for our canine...
Dog Tips
Can Dogs Eat Raisins?
Raisins, currants, and sultanas are varieties of dried grapes that come in various colors. From golden and yellow to classically dark, purplish brown, these dried treats allow the nutrients in grapes to be concentrated and clarified into bite-sized...
Dog Tips
Can Dogs Eat Lemons?
It’s only natural for dog owners to want to share every part of their lives with their precious pooch – including the food they love! Though sharing a human snack with a pup is a sign of love and affection, some dog owners can inadvertently cause harm...
Dog Tips
Can Dogs Eat Radishes?
Most of us consider our dogs to be integral parts of our family. We let them share the couch with us, kiss our faces, and sometimes, steal our food. Lots of pet parents wonder which human foods they can give fido a taste of. Whether you want to feed...
Dog Tips
Can Dogs Eat Apricots?
If you could pick one favorite food to eat for the rest of your life, would it be apricots? It may be the fruit you enjoy most, often consuming them at home, on the go, and at work. And, there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating apricots because...
Dog Tips
Are Nectarines Safe for Dogs?
Can your pup enjoy a sweet summer treat alongside you? Let's explore whether nectarines are a safe and healthy addition to your dog's diet. The Verdict: Nectarines in Moderation The good news? Nectarines are not toxic to dogs! They offer a variety of...
Dog Tips
Can Dogs Eat Papaya? Is It Safe?
Is Papaya Safe for Your Dog? Our dogs are our best friends in fur form! We love spending time with them and having them share in our experiences. One of the things we often love to do is share a delicious treat with them. If we think it’s yummy, then...
Dog Tips
Friendliest Dog Breeds for Families in 2024: Find Your Perfect Canine Companion
Choosing a family dog is an exciting decision, but it's important to find a breed known for its friendly nature and compatibility with children. This comprehensive guide will explore ten of the friendliest dog breeds that make wonderful additions to...
Breed Tips
Top Reasons Why Your Dog Licks Everything
Why Do Dogs Lick Everything? Dogs and licking seem to go hand in hand. Whether your four-legged friend is licking the floor after a meal or giving you lots of big wet kisses, licking is very normal dog behavior. Some dogs lick things out of boredom,...
Dog Tips
Puppyhood Insight 3: Tell Them What to Do, Not What To Do
Puppy training happens, whether you think you’re influencing them or not. Puppies, like kids, repeat whatever gets attention. Negative or positive? It often doesn’t matter. To a puppy, any behavior that gets your attention is worth repeating. Even when...
Puppy Tips