I’m Charlie: canine enthusiast with a knack for figuring out why my dog, Dallas, is more infatuated with tennis balls than me. My lifelong passion for dogs has created a dedication to help other pet parents better understands their furry family members!

Do Dogs Have Taste Buds?
Picture this: your dog devours their kibble like a five-star meal, but also seems to think that your smelly gym socks are a gourmet treat. Do they really appreciate the flavors, or are they just culinary adventurers with no fear? You can’t have taste...
Dog Tips

Dog Stung by Bee
Ever seen a dog go from happy-go-lucky to instant confusion? One minute they’re chasing butterflies, and the next they’re yelping and pawing at their face because they got too close to a bee. It’s like nature’s way of saying, "Curiosity stings!" Let's...
Dog Tips

Egyptian Cat Breeds: Important Information
Cats and Egypt have a unique and ancient connection. Cats have been represented in social and religious contexts in Egypt since 1980 BC. Even some deities were sculptured with cat-like heads. Some examples of this are Mafdet, Bastet and Sekhmet,...
Breed Tips

Cat Body Language
Cats are the most unpredictable pets out there. Or are they? We have always known cats as being aloof but that doesn’t mean that they do not understand or communicate anything. All animals, just like humans, use their bodies to communicate different...
Cat Tips

About the Fallout 4 Dog
Either you’re a Fallout fan or you’re about to become one. And here’s the reason that will happen. In the vast, post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4, where danger lurks around every corner, a loyal companion stands by your side—a dog named Dogmeat. It...
Dog Tips

Best Medium Sized Dog Breeds
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. You’ll find the smallest ones like Chihuahuas that are as small as 5-8 inches and weigh not more than 5 lbs. to the large ones like Great Danes and Mastiffs that are more than 30 inches tall and can weigh up to 250...
Breed Tips

Does Pet Insurance Cover Grooming?
In the world of pet insurance, providers typically do not offer coverage for grooming. Most of the plans focus on covering unexpected accidents, emergencies and some medical conditions. But having a furry friend requires much more than just taking care...
Why Pet Insurance?

About Dog Fevers
You know that fever is when the body’s temperature rises higher than normal. But did you know that fever in itself is not a disease? It’s actually a sign that your body’s defence mechanism, the immune system, has been activated against potential...
Dog Tips

Which Dry Fruits Can Cats Eat?
Cats may be picky eaters, as every cat owner knows. As a result, the issue of whether they can consume dried fruit is legitimate. The answer is yes, but there are a few factors to consider. Dried fruit is just fruit that has had water extracted from...
Cat Tips

100 Chihuahua Names
You got a Chihuahua! That’s great news. You’re in for an adventurous ride. These dogs may be one of the smallest ones out there, but their personalities are not small for sure. When it comes to naming a dog, you can take multiple routes. Either you...
Breed Tips

Building Your Essential Dog First-Aid Kit
This Pet First-Aid Month, let's talk about being prepared for the unexpected. Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, and having a well-stocked dog first-aid kit can make all the difference in an emergency. Why You Need a Dog First-Aid Kit Imagine...

Can Cats Eat Marshmallows?
Can cats eat marshmallows? While marshmallows are not toxic to cats, they are not a suitable or nutritious food for them. Marshmallows are high in sugar and do not offer any nutritional value to cats.1 Feeding cats sugary or high-calorie treats can...
Cat Tips